Do terrorists use invisible ink for their messages? This story makes you wonder. Apparently, the possibly-Arabic-or-maybe-just-gang-signs appear on the underbellies of Southwest Airline planes when the skin of the aircraft heats up.
The SDS interviews the Rural Grandfather Dentist SDS' father, whose granddaughters call "Doc," talks to the SDS about a number of issues. In the coming days, you can read his comments on a number of topics in this blog. Tonight we cover the four things preppers need in their medical kit to deal with dental emergencies:
- Hydrogen Peroxide - use it to clean up open wounds. It's good for wound care initially, but sustained use can retard healing.
- Red Cross Tooth Ache Medicine - Doc recommends this; the reviews on line seem to confirm his opinion.
- Orajel - for temporary relief of tooth ache pain
- Temporary filling material - available over the counter. There are a number of these out there in the market place.
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